Constructed of many tiny, absorbent loops knitted in long, interlocking chains, GingiKnit+ places easily without fraying or memory, and the cotton fiber won't "pop-out" of the sulcus. GingiKnit+ conforms to sulcular anatomy with gentle, outward force and cuts clean if touched by a high-speed cutting instrument (unique construction eliminates inadvertent removal if used as a finish guideline). Available in 6 diameters. 6 feet (72 inches/183 cm) of knit per bottle.
Constructed of many tiny, absorbent loops knitted in long, interlocking chains, GingiKnit+ places easily without fraying or memory, and the cotton fiber won't "pop-out" of the sulcus. GingiKnit+ conforms to sulcular anatomy with gentle, outward force and cuts clean if touched by a high-speed cutting instrument (unique construction eliminates inadvertent removal if used as a finish guideline). Available in 6 diameters. 6 feet (72 inches/183 cm) of knit per bottle.
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